10 Tips to have a stress-free December

diciembre sin estres

Having a stress-free December is getting more and more complicated. We have more responsibilities at work before the end of the year, organizing decorations at home, buying gifts and even preparing holiday trips.

December fills us with special energy, it fills us with good feelings and we even seem to be better people.

stress-free December

In this post I give you some tips to have a stress-free December:

Organize your time

If we already know that in December we need time to complete our activities, we must organize it from the beginning of the month or earlier. Making a list organizing the tasks putting the priorities or those that take you more time first. Focus on the things that matter. This will not only help you organize the time but also not to forget any tasks you have pending. Check the list constantly and go taking out the tasks you are completing.

Buy Christmas gifts before Christmas

Now we have the advantage of having discounts from the middle of November or the well-known Black Friday. This helps us take advantage of prices to free up some time in the days near Christmas. The important thing here is to know how to hide the gifts so as not to damage the surprise. If you have to travel remember to buy easy-to-take gifts.

Christmas wrapping

For many wrapping presents can be not so fun. Many stores have a gift-wrapping service. While shopping, ask if they provide this service, so you save time to do other things.

Decorate your house as it makes you happy

Christmas decorations do not have to take up all the space at home or they do not have to be Santa’s house at the north pole. We must put things that make us happy and fill the holidays with joy. Use what you have on hand, we don’t always have to buy the ornaments, we can use and reuse ornaments from other years.

Book in a restaurant

If you don’t like the idea of ​​organizing a dinner for the holidays, book in the restaurant of your choice or in a hotel that you have always wanted dinner for you and your family. If you do it with the time you can find good tables and you take away the stress of having to cook and prepare a whole night of entrees and main dishes.

It is not time to experiment

If we make dinner at home, let’s make traditional dishes or we know that we are doing well. It is not time to start experimenting with new recipes or things we have never tried.

Appreciate the time to share

The holidays are to share with family and friends. To many, we only see them by these dates and it is nice that we appreciate the parties and create special moments.

Continue your routine

It’s December and it does not mean you have to get out of control with your routine. For example, if you go to the gym three times a week, continue with this routine. Or if you read one hour a day, write or paint you should continue with these activities. This will help you to be balanced and not let yourself gain from stress.

Take time for yourself

We are always doing things for others and setting aside our own needs. It is also important to take time to rest a little, to connect with us and to enjoy the holidays. The smells of citrus, cinnamon, and fresh loaves of bread fill us with good energy and memories. Do things that make you happy, such as going to a Christmas concert or doing a marathon of Christmas movies.

Ask for help if you need it

We don’t always have the time, creativity or patience to accomplish the tasks we have. Asking for help when we need it is fine. We can’t always be superman. We can ask our family to play games while cooking dinner or ask a family member to care for the little ones or invite a friend to help us go shopping for Christmas.

I hope that with these tips you have a stress-free December and full of joy. It is important to recharge energy to start the New Year with the right foot.

If you have any more tips let me know in a comment.

stress-free December