15 minutes are more than enough

Even if 15 minutes does not seem like much, having that rat is like winning the time lottery. As grandparents say: time is money; and we must use it intelligently. When we feel frustrated, when things do not flow or as they are supposed, or as it is popularly known as mental blocks, it is important to have moments of doing different things. Give a little oxygen to the situation so that things flow and new ideas arrive.

Just as we can plan a productive day, we can also disconnect from time to time and use time for ourselves. It’s like pushing the restart button in the middle of our activities to be able to motivate ourselves in some way.

That’s why 15 minutes are more than enough …

15 minutos are more than enough

  • Make a quick recipe for chicken with asparagus.
  • Call your mom.
  • Make some pancakes with blueberries for breakfast.
  • Listen to a podcast from someone you admire.
  • See what is happening in the world.
  • Make a new playlist for your next workout in the gym.
  • Make a video call with a friend who lives far away.
  • Advance a bit of the book you are reading.
  • Do some cardio running through the streets of your city.
  • Organize the files on your desktop.
  • Take care of your skin with a cleansing or moisturizing mask.
  • Clean the refrigerator and check the expiration dates.
  • Search your next holiday destination.
  • Update your calendar with special dates.
  • Clean your social networks and update your information.
  • Read an article of your favorite blog and share it with your friends.
  • Organize and clean the furniture in the room.
  • Learn 5 words in another language.
  • Clean your wallet, sometimes you accumulate receipts and papers.
  • Update the CV and your LinkedIn profile.
  • Make-up or touch up your makeup, you always have to feel and look good.
  • Make plans for the weekend with your friends.
  • Some creative activity, such as drawing, painting, making a quick sketch.
  • Take your dog (or your neighbor’s or friend’s) for a walk.
  • See an inspirational TED talk.
  • Go to the supermarket for the basics.
  • Relax with a flower tea and some cookies.
  • Review and answer all the messages in your inbox.
  • Drink coffee in a local place in your city.
  • Write a letter, by hand to someone important.

There are people who have 15 minutes of fame, but we all have 15 minutes to do things that we like, inspire and fill us with life.

So … What do you do in 15 minutes?